
Sabtu, 19 Desember 2009

Modifier Sentences

Afghanistan leader Karzai presents cabinet nominees

1. 1st Paragraph
President has presented
“The longest Indonesian President has presented more clearly about economic system in this country now.”

2. 2nd Paragraph
List was read
“The list of the name of undisciplined student that often didn’t come to school was read entirely by the teacher who taught Math yesterday morning when the flag was done.”

3. 6th Paragraph
People are asked
“Many adult people who can have driven a car in this big city are asked seriously by policeman about driving license which they have.”

4. 9th Paragraph
Politicians have gone
Many sly tricky politicians have excessively gone in the political world when their career is also gone.”

5. 10th Paragraph
Replacement has been announced
“Today the replacement of new chair person has been announced openly in the big wall magazine.”

Sabtu, 05 Desember 2009

How to Deal

How to Deal
By: William Teitler Erica Huggins
Focus Feature
Rp. 49. 000

Before watching that movie, I warn that the movie cannot be watched by under age viewer because there are many undue scenes to show. The movie is produced by famous producer, William Teitler Erica Huggins. It is adopted from combination of two novels from Sarah Dessen, Someone Likes You and That Summer.

Actually the movie tells about student of Senior High School, Halley (Mandy Moore) that has negative view about love. It is caused by many people around her who fail making a relationship. Her parents separate, her father marries with younger woman, her mother is always alone, and her sister, Ashley (Mary Catherine Garrison), is being busy to prepare her wedding party until she forgets with Halley’s existence.

Because of that, she doesn’t really believe about love. When she feels not confidence with love, many people around her are talking about love. Her friend, Scarllet, is falling in love with Michael. Because of her separation’s parents it brings her to know Macon (Trent Ford) and he makes her have love, but it is not true love, it is prurient love. But in the end, Macon convinces that he has true love for her.

When Halley’s parents separate, she is like a girl which doesn’t have expectation for love. Her friends say that she will never get true love, but she doesn’t hear what they say. Her sister, her friend, and also her father are falling in love, as if she feels queer with them that always think about love, but she is happy can see people around her can feel sweet love.

At night new year, she believes that true love exists. She is invited by Macon to join in a party. Actually her mother doesn’t permit her to go outside at night new year but she goes without her mother’s permission. When New Year comes, they go home early because there is something wrong in the party. They go home angrily. On the way, they keep silent each other until Macon gets an accident. Halley gets serious injury, she is carried to the hospital, but Macon doesn’t exist when Halley is conscious. It makes her believe so much that there is true love. But when Ashley’s wedding party, Macon comes to convince her that he loves her so much. Even she believes him and true love.

Actually it’s good movie because it tells about bad impact from parents' separation for the children and I hope it can be course for parents who have separated and the children who have parents separate. You can watch it if you have leisure time. It can be useful.

Sabtu, 28 November 2009

Someone Who Has This Blog

Her name is Pitria, but usually her friends call her Pipit. She is from Bogor, West Java, Indonesia. She was born in Bogor, 10th December 1990. Now she’s 18 years old and next month she will be 19 years old. She is third of 4 children, with 2 brothers and 1 brother. She doesn’t have sisters. So she often feels boring and lonely.

She uses veil with glasses, has oval face and thin. She is not too tall and not too long, with white skin, always wears trousers and sportive clothes. She always can make her friends laughing with her empty talking. She is funny.

She has graduated from Vocational High School of Syamsul’ Ulum, Sukabumi. It’s so far, she stayed in the boarding school at that time. And now, she has been studying in English Literature of Islamic University “45”, Bekasi. Actually it is difficult, but when she was in vocational high school, she liked very much English lesson. She always became favorite student of English teacher.

She’s kind, friendly, easy going, but sometime she is harsh to someone that she thinks affected because she doesn’t like someone like that. She is also diligent to clean her home every day before she goes to the college like sweeping, washing clothes and also dishes because she doesn’t like her home dirty.

She likes reading, but she cannot really write. Now she is trying to write. She also likes singing so much, sometime she always sings a song if she is taking a bath. Her mother often grumbles her when she is taking a bath while singing.

Although she has been in the college, she still sleeps with her parents because she is craven. She has ever said, “I have ever slept alone in my room but at midnight I move to my parents’ room”. Sleeping alone in her room is unusual habit. She still has not been brave because she often gets a strange dream. And may be if she is 19 years old she will sleep alone in her room because she is shy to her parents.

There is an activity that she doesn’t really like. It is cooking. Every afternoon her mother always invites her to cook, but she never wants to do it because cooking is boring. Whereas her mother wants her to be able to cook, so that one day she is not necessarily to find a servant.

Actually she is an independent girl, but at home she is still childish may be because of she is the one and only daughter. Although that, she never fusses her parents. She does something her self.

Minggu, 22 November 2009

My Dream Last Night

Last night I slept in my brother's home to accompany his wife because my brother got a job at midnight. I slept so deeply. Until I got a dream. In my dream, I met with schoolmates. We studied, played, and joked in my previous school. I'm glad. And I met with my teacher, my best teacher. After we studied and went home, we did our bad habits like going to the mall, playing in my friend's house without our parents' permission. After going to the mall, I went home. And when I arrived, my parent grumbled me. But when my parent was grumbling, my sister in law woke me up. I said thanks to god. Because it's unreal.

Sabtu, 21 November 2009

Tradisi Lebaran

Semua orang pasti tahu bahwa Indonesia memiliki banyak suku yang beranekaragam diantaranya suku Sunda, Jawa, Batak, Betawi, Minangkabau, Bali, Aceh, Melayu, Madura, dll. Keberanekaragaman tersebut membuat Indonesia menjadi kaya akan budaya.

Berbicara tentang budaya, ketika menjelang Hari Raya Idul Fitri ataupun setelah hari raya ada berberapa daerah yang mempunyai kebiasaan-kebiasaan unik zaman dahulu yang sering dilakukan dan telah menjadi budaya sampai saat ini. Seperti Madura, Betawi, dan Sunda.

Menurut artikel yang saya baca dan beberapa informasi yang saya dapat, ketika menjelang lebaran biasanya orang-orang Madura yang sedang merantau melakukan Toron yaitu pulang kampung, tapi pulang kampung mereka berbeda dengan yang lain pada umumnya. Pulang kampung yang biasanya dilakukan sebelum lebaran berbeda dengan orang-orang Madura yang melakukan pulang kampung setelah lebaran, biasanya lima atau enam hari setelah lebaran karena selain menghindari kemacetan arus mudik, mereka juga ingin menghadiri Tellasan Topa’ atau lebaran ketupat yang menjadi puncak perayaan lebaran yang terjadi pada hari ke-7.

Pada acara tellasan topa’ biasanya warga madura yang tinggal di daerah pesisir pantai berbaur ke laut untuk naik perahu dalam rangka merayakan tellasan topa’ tersebut. Dan bagi warga yang jauh dari pesisir pantai biasanya mereka mengunjungi tempat wisata laut yang ada di sekitar Dikarenakan hari lebaran ke-7 adalah lebaran ketupat, biasanya para ibu-ibu mempunyai tradisi saling antar ketupat ke tetangga. Dan bukan hanya itu, ternyata lebaran ketupat bukan hanya warga Madura saja yang bisa merayakan tetapi hewan ternak yang ada di sana pun ikut berlebaran ketupat seperti kambing dan sapi. Biasanya ketupat dikalungkan di leher hewan-hewan ternak kemudian dilepas dan anak-anak berebut mengejarnya untuk mendapatkan ketupat yang ada di leher hewan-hewan ternak tersebut. Itu adalah tradisi yang sudah turun temurun.

Ada juga tradisi yang sering dilakukan pada 10 malam ganjil terakhir di bulan Ramadhan oleh warga antar kampung yaitu pada malam ke-21, 23, 25, 27, dan 29. Pada malam-malam tersebut mereka masak masakan yang enak-enak untuk menjamu para tamu yang datang dari kampung sebelah maupun dari kampung yang lainnya pada saat berbuka puasa dan dilanjutkan dengan makan-makan ba’da tarawih. Itu dilakukan secara bergiliran, misalnya malam ganjil pertama pada 10 malam terakhir di bulan ramadhan, kampung A mendatangi kampung B, kampung B mendatangi kampung A, dan seterusnya. Tradisi ini lebih banyak dilakukan oleh warga yang berada di daerah pesisir. Orang-orang Madura menyebut malam ke-21 yaitu salekoran, 23 tellolekoran, 25 sagemi’an, 27 pettolekoran dan 29 yaitu sangalekoran. Begitulah orang-orang Madura menyebut malam-malam ganjil terakhir.

Menurut pengamatan saya, orang-orang Sunda dan orang-orang Betawi memiliki kesamaan ketika menjelang hari raya. Pasalnya, seperti yang kita tahu H-3 sampai H-1 lebaran orang-orang sibuk melakukan mudik tapi orang-orang Sunda dan Betawi malah sibuk nganteuran (Sunda) atau sorogan (Betawi), kegiatan yang sama tapi hanya namanya saja yang berbeda yaitu kegiatan mengantar makanan menggunakan rantang kepada yang dituakan seperti orang tua dan kakak baik dari pihak ibu maupun dari pihak ayah, itu pun berlaku hanya untuk yang sudah menikah saja mungkin itu adalah bukti bakti anak kepada orang tua walaupun sudah menikah. Biasanya makanan yang dibawa dalam rantang berisi nasi, sayur, kue, dan satu ekor ayam panggang atau yang sering disebut oleh orang-orang Sunda dan Betawi yaitu Bekakak. Ada juga yang memberi mentahnya saja tanpa dimasak terlebih dahulu seperti beras, satu ekor ayam, sayuran, dan bumbu dapur. Tradisi itu sangat ditunggu-tunggu oleh anak-anak karena setiap mengantar makanan kepada yang dituakan biasanya anak-anak akan ikut agar diiberi uang walaupun kecilnya hanya 5 ribu, itu akan membuat mereka senang. Tapi tidak jarang anak-anak seumuran saya pun masih saja diberi uang padahal saya sudah kuliah, kadang-kadang malu tapi tidak enak rasanya kalau ditolak.

Selain itu, ada tradisi yang sering dilakukan sampai saat ini yaitu ngaduk dodol atau membuat dodol. Pastinya semua orang tahu makanan yang satu itu. Biasanya ngaduk dodol dilakukan beberpa hari sebelum lebaran untuk menjamu para tamu yang datang ke rumah pada saat lebaran dan sedikit dibagikan ke tetangga. Ternyata proses pembutan dodol itu tidak mudah dan juga tidak cepat butuh waktu 2 hari untuk itu semua. Satu hari untuk belanja bahan-bahan dan hari berikutnya adalah proses pembuatan. Ternyata pembuatan dodol bukan hanya di Betawi saja, orang-orang Sunda pun memiliki tradisi yang sama pada saat menjelang lebaran tapi sekarang-sekarang ini sudah jarang orang-orang membuat dodol di rumah sendiri karena prosesnya yang lama dan lumayan repot. Mereka lebih memilih membeli atau memesan karena lebih praktis.

Setelah saya amati, ternyata orang-orang Sunda pun mempunyai kesamaan tradisi dengan orang-orang Madura ketika menjelang lebaran pada 10 malam ganjil terakhir di bulan ramadhan yaitu ketika malam ke-21, 23, 25, 27, dan 29. Pada malam-malam tersebut biasanya orang-orang Sunda membawa makanan ketika pergi tarawih dan melakukan tahlilian di masjid ba’da tarawih. Bedanya orang Madura hanya acara buka puasa bersama saja tanpa ada tahlilan dan namanya pun hampir sama hanya saja karena berbeda bahasa maka berbeda pula dalam penyebutannya. Dalam bahasa Sunda malam 21 disebut salikuran, 23 dualikur, 25 tilulikur, 27 opatlikur, dan 29 limalikur. Mungkin pada hakikatnya sama hanya saja berbeda cara dan penyebutannya saja.

Nah, itulah kebiasaan-kebiasaan unik orang-orang Madura, Betawi, dan Sunda ketika menjelang lebaran atau pun ketika lebaran tiba. Kebiasaan atau tradisi yang telah membudaya, pada hakikatnya sama yaitu hanya untuk menyatukan kebersamaan dan mempererat tali silaturahmi antar manusia.

How to Make Gel of Egg Ala Chef Pipit

Do you know that gel that we usually eat has benefit contents like fiber, etc? Of course all of you know. And besides that, it is also easy to digest. But have you ever seen and tasted that there is a gel which is combined with egg? Actually I have never tasted it before, but I just have seen on the television in Ala Chef Farah Queen program. I t looks so nice. I interest to try making it and in fact it is really nice and so sweet. Actually I forget what the name of food is, but I usually call it Gel of Egg. Do you wanna try?

If you like and want to try making the food, I will give you recipe how to make a Gel of Egg Ala Chef Pipit. So for you who like gel, you can make nice and unusual gel with the recipe. Let’s follow my instruction!!

The first, you have to prepare basic materials such as four glasses of water, a quarter of sugar, one pact of powder gel, one egg, and one pact of condensed sweet milk. For making sweet cream for complement, you also have to prepare 500 ml coconut milk, a quarter of sugar, and one tin of condensed sweet milk.

If you have prepared the materials, the first step you have to heat the water first. While heating the water, put a pact of powder gel and then a quarter of sugar into heating water. After it has mixed, put shaking egg, but don’t put all of egg just a half because it is afraid will make an odor of fish. And then, mix it until the egg becomes hanks. After that, don’t forget to put one pact of condensed sweet milk as a sweetener. But if it is too sweet for you, you can use it in the end as a decoration.

If all of them have been mixed, wait a moment until it boils. And then, pour it into a beautiful stencil, and save it into freezer the better. It will have been for thirty minutes.

While waiting the gel, let’s make sweet cream as a sauce of gel. The first, heating 500 ml coconut milk until it boils. And then put one tin of condensed sweet milk, mix it until curdling and don’t forget to put a quarter of sugar. Mix it straight; don’t stop before curdling. If it has curdled, you can pour it into container. So, it can be colder.

Gel of egg and sweet cream have been made. This is time to serve. You can pour sweet cream on the gel, it will be nicer. You have to try because I have tried before. Happy trying!!!!

