
Minggu, 20 Maret 2011

Wretched Love Story

Can you imagine if your wedding party is canceled? How do you feel if you are like that? I believe that you must be disappointed and sad. But this is true story which is experienced by my sister-in-law named Nina. Before getting married with my brother, she had bad experience about love. She ever told me about her wretched love story.

My sister-in-law comes from Majalengka. Several years ago she moved to Jakarta for working. At that time she met with a man named Rudi who comes from Medan and worked in the same office with her. Meeting everyday made their hearts beat differently, even love grew up. They were falling in love.

Two-years relationship, they tried to make a commitment. He proposed her to be his wife. My sister-in-law was extremely happy. Directly my sister-in-law told her family in Majalengka about that case and they agreed about it. And Rudi also told his family in Medan. Shortly after that, he came to my sister-in-law’s house in Majalengka to make a deal about wedding party. But there was something peculiar with his coming. He came just with his relatives, there were no his parents. Rudi told that he had already told his parents but they could not come because they were not feeling well. He explained the reason and her family understood. In the end of meeting, they made a deal about the party which was going to be held two months letter.

The time was running quickly. One day before the party, she made sure that her wanna be husband had already come to Jakarta. He told that his family and he had already come and was looking for hotel to take a rest for a while. And they would go to Majalengka next day in the earlier morning.

The time that many people were waiting for was coming. She had already prepared everything; her relatives and the headman had come. She had worn wedding gown. Everything had already been prepared. One thing that they needed was waiting for the groom and his relatives. It had been a long time but the groom had not come yet. They began panic. They were afraid that they got accident or whatever. But they still thought positively. My sister-in-law’s parents tried to calm her down but she cried out. Until Afternoon came, they still had not come. There was nothing news about that any more, even one week had passed. My sister-in-law’s family and relatives were disappointed, even she was stressed. Rudi’s family and he broke the marriage ceremony and Nina’s family of feeling.

That is so tragic. I cannot imagine if I were her. Perhaps I will feel embarrassed, afraid of people’s talk, and crazy. The man who leaved my sister-in-law does not have any feelings. He does not appreciate what he has got. But my sister-in-law is lucky getting the problem because now she can meet with my brother and continue her life with him.

Rabu, 22 September 2010

Tips Menghilangkan Jerawat

Guys aku mo ngasih tips baru neh buat kalian yang punya wajah yang sedikit ada hiasan'y tapi hiasan'y yang kurang enak dipandang mata...apa hayo???JERAWAT...Betul sekali!!!

Untuk merawat wajah menjadi halus tidak harus merogoh kocek dalam-dalam. Cukup dengan tumbuh-tumbuhan yang mungkin banyak ditanam di pekarangan rumah kita. Dari artikel yang aku baca, ada beberapa tanaman yang bisa digunakan untuk menghilangkan jerawat diantaranya : Lidah Buaya dan Jeruk Nipis

1. Lidah Buaya
Kalo kamu rajin bisa aja semua jerawat yang ada di wajah kamu itu hilang hanya dengan setangkai lidah buaya, tapi harus rutin penggunaannya. Gini neh...kalo kamu punya tanaman lidah buaya di rumah, itu sangat mudah dan gampang. Kamu cukup memetik setangkai lidah buaya trus kupas kulitnya hingga muncul daging yang penuh lendir. Nah...itu sumber obatnya, caranya mudah tinggal oles ke bagian wajah yang ada jerawatnya. Insya Allah selama 1 minggu jerwatnya hilang. Tapi inget, harus rutin y...

2. Jeruk Nipis
Yang ke-2pun g jauh beda, jeruk nipis juga tanaman yang suha ada di pekarangan rumah kita (bagi yang suka nanem). Kamu cukup ambil satu atau dua butir jeruk nipis, trus belah jeruknya menjadi 2. Udah gitu peras airnya, trus langsung oleskan pada wajah yang terkena jerawat. Lakukan secara rutin agar hasilnya benar-benar maksimal.

Nah,, itu tipsnya kawan-kawan...selamat mencoba ya, mudah-mudahan berhasil!!!!
Tunggu aku dengan tips lainnya.....

Senin, 15 Februari 2010

Ace dan Erwin

Suatu pagi di hari Minggu ada seorang nenek yang sedang duduk bersama cucu-cucunya, Ace dan Erwin yang berusia 8 dan 9 tahun, di teras rumah anaknya. Kebetulan rumah nenek dengan rumah anaknya (ibunya Erwin dan Ace) bersebelahan. Pada waktu itu ibu mereka sedang tidak ada di rumah dan Erwin meminta neneknya untuk membuatkan telor dadar.

"Nek, aku lapar tolong buatin aku telor dadar ya" Meminta Erwin. "Aku juga nek" Ace Ikut-ikutan.
"Nenek lagi males, kalian bikin sendiri aja ya" Sambil beranjak dari duduk dan masuk ke rumahnya. "Yah, nenek..." Mereka mengeluh. "Ya udah kita bikin sendiri aja yuk.." Ajak Erwin.

Mereka pun masuk ke rumah dan melanjutkan langkahnya ke dapur. Dengan kemampuan yang ada mereka pun membuat telor dadar, entah seperti apa rasanya. Setelah itu mereka berencana untuk pergi bermain Play Station di tempat rental yang tidak jauh dari rumah mereka. Tempat rental itu tak lain dan tak bukan adalah rumah aku. Kebetulan rumah aku berhadapan dengan rumah mereka, hanya terhalang oleh jalan saja.

Ketika aku sedang menyapu halaman, tiba-tiba aku mendengar teriakan nenek itu memanggil cucunya. "Ace....Erwin....Buka pintu" Sambil mengetuk pintu. Nenek itu terus mengetuk pintu karena tidak ada jawaban dari mereka. Hingga nenek pun berteriak. " Erwin....buka pintunya...jangan dikunci, kalian lagi ngapain sich" Dengan nada yang marah dan kesal. "Ini bau apa Win...Ce...," Sambil mengelilingi rumah anaknya untuk memastikan apa yang sedang terjadi dengan cucu-cucunya di dalam.

Aku pun penasaran, dan bertanya "Ada apa nek?" Menghentikan menyapu. " Erwin dan Ace di dalam rumah, trus pintunya dikunci...tadi sich mereka bilang mau pada dadar telor, terus ini ada bau angus gitu..." Cerita nenek dengan panik karena takut terjadi sesuatu yang tidak diinginkan dengan cucunya.

Tidak lama kemudian, ade aku, Irwan, menghampiri ku sambil bertanya "Ada apa kak? Kenapa sama nenek itu?" Dengan wajah yang masih mengantuk karena habis bergadang. "Itu...cucunya nenek kekunci di dalem rumah". Sambil memandang wajah nenek yang sedikit terhalang oleh pagar rumah ku. "Kekunci,,,????Erwin sama Ace lagi main PS di dalam noh..." Dengan cuek ade ku melenggang pergi. Sebenernya aku kaget dan pengen ketawa tapi ga enak sama nenek. Aku bilangin aja "Nek, kata ade ku Erwin sama Ace lagi main PS di rumah Pipit" Sambil menahan tawa yang hampir mau meledak. Nenek itu sedikit malu karena sudah mengira kalo cucunya terkunci di dalam rumah. Tapi nenek itu mencoba untuk menutupi rasa malunya dengan berkata "Gimana sich tu bocah,,,kalo mau pergi bilang dulu ke, mana kuncinya dibawa lagi" Nenek itu ngedumel sambil melenggang pergi dari hadapan ku.

Nenek itu mengira bahwa cucunya terkunci di dalam rumah dan kepanikannya bertambah ketika dia mencium bau gosong dari dalam. Nenek itu mungkin mengira bahwa cucunya terkunci di dalam dan mereka pingsan karena bau gosong itu, ditambah lagi tidak ada tidak ada jawaban ketika nenek itu mengetuk pintu. Itu semua semakin memperkuat dugaan si nenek bahwa mungkin sedang terjadi kebakaran di dalam. Padahal cucunya lagi santai main PS ketika neneknya teriak-teriak mengkhawatirkan keadaan mereka.

Dasar cucu-cucu bandel...Eh engga ding, salah neneknya sendiri engga mau bikinin dadar telor. Tapi kalo neneknya mau disuruh bikin dadar telor mungkin ceritanya ga begini, iya ga???

Jumat, 12 Februari 2010

Februari 14th

In December morning, where the day begun, night passed, and the sun rose to give life to all of in the world, many people did their activity as usual whereas I still sat in wheel chair while imagining bad previous event. It would be very beautiful, if the accident didn’t happen to me. The accident in a few years ago brought me to the pretend happiness.
Every day I sit in front of computer, tried to type. Typing something was interesting around me and also tried to forget the accident which made me sick deeply. But the event was always in my mind.
One day I tried bravely to look backward and began writing my bad previous experience although it is very difficult. While writing, I felt my head ached till I felt asleep in the wheel chair.

In the end of June afternoon, the situation in Bandung was very nice. I was being in the school for preparing for celebration of graduating. Actually I wanted to reveal my feeling to her now because I loved her so much but I couldn’t tell her about my feeling because I was shy and not brave. I was afraid, if I told she would hate me. I better saved my feeling until graduating from Senior High School. There were no people which knew my secret, only Lily, Eren’s friend, who knew my feeling to her.
“Ly, do you know that I love her so much?” I cried. “Who is that?” asked Lily. “Your friend, Erena Wijaya”, “Why don’t you reveal your feeling, I believe you can say it” She forced. “I can’t”. “Degin, you never know if you never try” She gave spirit. “Yes, I will but not now, may be later”
After along day, I didn’t meet Eren again. I continued my life without her, beautiful Eren.
I worked in one of traveling companies in Jakarta. Before that I continued my study in one of universities in Bandung with Lily. I didn’t know where Eren continued her study and Lily too. But Lily didn’t get the same job with me and different company.
I worked in company which is belonged Mr. Wijaya Kusuma, great company. One day, I was ordered to give paper to the director. But when I wanted to enter the room, I saw a woman came out but I didn’t see her face. She was strange for me because I just had ever seen her. I entered the room to cede the paper with curious still. After that I said in my heart, “Who is the woman? She is very beautiful” while closing the door to go out.
After meeting in the director’s room, I didn’t meet her again. But when lunch time, in the chair of canteen, I found a wallet and I thought its woman wallet because the color was pink. I didn’t think much, saved the wallet and continued eating. After going home, I had planned to bring back the wallet to the address which was in the id card.
“Huge and luxurious house….” It was my statement when the first time I saw the house. I pressed the bell and the security came out. I said that I wanted to meet with Luci. “You mean Mrs. Luciana” He completed. “Yes, I mean it.” I justified. From the gate I must walk first to reach the door because between gate and door was so far. I knocked the door, “excuse me….any body home??” while looking around. The old woman (could be called grandma because she was very old) opened the door and asked politely, “Can I help you?” I directly turned and looked to the old woman. From the manner of she got dress, I knew that she was a servant. “I am Degin, is there Mrs. Luciana?” I introduced. “Yes, she is at home today” she asked me to come in. “You can sit down first, I want to call her, wait a moment” while leaving me in the living room.
I stood up when the owner of the house came. “I’m Degin, are you Mrs. Luciana?” I asked. “Yes, I am.” “I find your wallet in chair of canteen in my work” I explained. “Oh my God…thank you, I have found everywhere but I don’t know where the wallet is lost, because I think that the wallet is lost at home.” Told her happily. The servant came with bringing some glasses of drinks. When I took the drink, the young man approached us. I looked up him and he was very familiar for me. “Mr. Wijaya?” I unbelievably surprised. I directly shake my hand. “So, she is your wife” I convince. “Yes, she is, how can you be here?” “I find your wife’s wallet in canteen when I have lunch” I retold. “So, you are my husband’s employee” his wife added. We laughed and began chewing up. I felt they were so friendly. It made me comfortable could be around them.
In the middle of talking, “Mom….I am coming” The girl shouted from outside. I still sat without caring because the shout came from behind me. “Oh my dear…come here, let me introduce you to our guest” Walked receiving her arrival.
The girl approached but I had not still looked at her. When I saw her face, it brought my previous feeling came back again. I didn’t say anything. As if my heart stopped ticking, my blood stopped circulating, my mind stopped thinking, my muscle was rigid and I was like a sculpture. I found something which had been lost. “Ehm…Degin,” The voice brought me back to the real life. “You are Degin” She convinced. I was still speechless. “Are you OK??” “Oh, yes I’m OK”. I tried to liquefy the situation. “Hi Eren, How are you?” I stood up to accost her and gave my hand but actually I was very nervous when facing with her.
Her parents looked each other, amazed. “You have known him” Her mom asked. “Yes, he is my friend when I am in Snior High School” She answered. But suddenly, “Hahahaha……” Laughed her father. “It’s so funny, I meet you here whereas you don’t know my house, right? And actually you are my employee and now you meet with my daughter and also she is your friend in Senior High School” laughed cheerily. “It’s caused your wallet, mom” He added. “And also because of your senility, right? She added. We laughed.
“Are you someone who is in the director’s room this morning?” I asked. “You mean my father’s room, yes this morning I visit my father’s office” She answered friendly. “why??” “Nothing,,, I just convince because when you exit I enter the room actually I see you but I don’t know that it’s you, may be if I have seen you at that time I would have known you now” I laughed.

Now I had nice days. I always showed semicircle in my lip to the other. It was expression that I was extremely happy. Now, I knew where my adoration was. Although I didn’t see her everyday but at least I knew her condition now. I often met her and sometime if I had leisure time I asked her to have lunch or dinner with me. She never refused. From that, I began giving her more attention and she also responded. Next days, I often asked her to go out, like watching movie, having dinner, and traveling. One day, when she and I were in the park I said something about my heart. The situation changed to be cool, the wind breezed, we sat in the park’s seat while she was leaning her head in my shoulder. “Ellen I wanna say something to you” I destroyed the cool. “What is it?” She gazed my eye with still leaning. “Do you know when I am in Senior High School, I love you so much but I cannot tell my feeling to you”. “Don’t you know that I also love you, actually at that time I am waiting for you to declare it because I also know that you love me.” She abdicated her leaning and faced to me. “Are you sure” I didn’t believe. My lip directly touched her forehead as proof that I loved her so much. Now I knew that she also loved me.
After several months we were together, I remembered that her birthday was next month that coincided with Valentine’s Day, 14th February. I wanted in her birthday I could give her something special and had impressions that couldn’t be forgotten. From now, I thought what I should do in her birthday. I didn’t want to make her disappointed.
Even the day came, I had already prepared all of the surprise. I would ask her to have dinner with me at midnight in the beautiful park where it was the place when the first time I explained my feeling to her. I changed the place into romantic place with many candles and lamplight. And also I would give her the ring.
I had been already to pick her up. When I arrived in her house at 11.30 pm I phoned her. “Hallo my darling,,,I have been in front of your house, please downstairs now, I wait for you here” I directly turned off the phone but actually she was still confuse and shocked. I got the gate was opened and I could see her face when she woke up from her sleeping, she was beautiful still with her nightgown. “Please follow me now” I still sat in my motor cycle without disembarrassing my helmet. “Where will we go? You are very strange, as you see it has been midnight” Grumbled her. “I still wear night__” I cut her sentence with touching her lip with my forefinger while murmuring, “Please ride with me now and take it.” I gave her a jacket because the air was very cool.
She rode lazily and sleepy but she still looked cute. I could catch her expression in rear view. I rode my motor cycle more quickly. We were silent without words along the way. But suddenly, “Where do we go?” She asked with hugging me. “I wanna ask you to the park” still riding. “What for?” I didn’t answer.
The air was very cool, the way was very dark, and I rode motor cycle very fast. She hugged me more tightly, actually I knew that she was afraid but she didn’t say anything.
Suddenly I felt my head ached and my stomach was queasy but I didn’t want Eren to know and I still rode my motor cycle. I remembered that I had not eaten lunch till now. So, it caused me catch a cold. When I got a turn, my hand couldn’t have held the handle and my feet were limp. I couldn’t manage my self till I couldn’t see anything. Everything was dark but I tried to survive. Suddenly without my knowledge, there was a deep hole in the way. Because I didn’t see, I stepped on the hole till Eren shouted, “Degin watch out…..!!! I directly darted off to the mid way and Eren glanced-off to the sidewalk till her head striked brim of asphalt. Everything was darker than before and in my mind I just remembered Eren and Eren. She was far with me till I couldn’t grip her hand till I closed my eye. I was unconscious.
The beautiful place that I have prepared for candle light dinner in her birthday was gone. The candles had melted, the park was dark, and the ring which would be given to her was in my pocket still.
I got my self in a room which had smell of medicine. I didn’t like it. The first that I said, “Eren…where is Eren?” I had not been already conscious. Actually when I opened my eye, my head still ached. I saw my mom get complicated feeling between worry, happy, and afraid. I could see many people around me like my sister Nina, my parents and also my younger brother Delfa but I didn’t see Eren. Instead I saw someone who was familiar for me. She was my old friend, Lily. “Eren is fine, don’t worry” She approached me. “She is in different hospital” while facing me to calm. When I wanted to lean, I felt something different with my feet. “What happens with my feet, I couldn’t feel anything” I directly wanted to go down from the bed to know what happened actually but I couldn’t. My mom cried.
“What happens with my feet mom, what happens?” I was angry. My mom twined me. “You must be patient my dear” while falling down the tear. They cried. I got palsied.
I didn’t have any spirit to live. I had not met Eren for along time and I lost my feet and also my work. Fourteenth February should be nice day for me and Eren but in fact it was contrariwise. I thought that Eren had leaved me forever because of my feet that couldn’t walk again. At that time I hated but I loved her.
I had not met with Lily since I graduated from university and now she came when I was alone and hidden. I didn’t know how she knew that I got accident. She took care of me as long as I was in hospital and also at home. Because of I couldn’t walk and just sat in wheel chair, she always gave me more attention till I could forget Eren a little bit but she was in my heart forever.
One day, when I was sitting in wheel chair in the living room, Lily came. We talked anything till she said,”I will be very lucky if I can live with you forever” It made me silent at the moment. “Why do you say like that, I am palsied” condescendingly. “Because I have been loving you since we are in Senior High School, I will accept even what you are like, will you marry me?” She convinced. Actually I was shocked because I didn’t really love her, my love just for Eren but I couldn’t refuse because she was very kind to me. “Yes, I will” I smiled and nodded. “May be this ring is more suitable for you” I gave the ring which actually I wanted to give to Eren in her birthday.
When I opened my eye I had a sore throat. I had dozed off for a few hours in wheel chair. I recollected what happened in my sleep till I could dream all of my past experience. “You have slept for a few hours” My wife came with bringing a cup of tea. “What are you writing?” sat beside me. “Nothing…” While taking the tea. “I know what you are writing because I have read when you are sleeping, I’m sorry before” gazing me. “May be till now you don’t know where Eren is.” The situation changed more convulsively. I gazed her with full of questions to catch what she meant. “I will tell you about Eren…At that time I know that you get accident from Eren’s parents, Eren is taken care in different hospital because she gets serious condition in her head till she is brought to France by her parents to get more medication, and after along time her parents tell me that she gets amnesia, her parents choose to stay there first till she is heal over.” She told carefully and I cried.
Actually I wanted to say that I wanted to meet with Eren but I didn’t want to hurt my wife, Lily. I gazed her face, “Please don’t leave me, I don’t want to be leaved again” I hugged her.

Representation of 'Animal Farm'

When I read the novel of Animal Farm written by George Orwell, I think that the novel just tells about the animals because the characters are the animals. But when I read entirely and get explanation from my lecturer, I know that the novel not only tells about the animals’ life in the farm but also tells about the animals which do rebellion to the farmer who always enslaves them. But behind the novel, in fact it represents about revolution of a country which is headed by two super powers will cause one of them domineer a dominance entirely because everything which they do never the same and they are always contrast.

It is like Snowball and Napoleon in that novel, they are pigs in ‘Animal Farm’. In the beginning, they are very energetic to rebel humanities because they think human is their enemy that has made them like slaves and they do rebellion and make a new revolution. But when they both do rebellion and make a new revolution successfully, instead they are always not alike. Napoleon always opposes whatever Snowball does.

Because of Snowball is smarter than Napoleon and he has good speech, he always leads the others to do something but it is always different with Napoleon. It is proved when Snowball wants to build a windmill in order to shorten the work week and provide the farm electricity, but Napoleon opposes it. When Snowball has finished design of the building of windmill, Napoleon orders dogs to expel Snowball. He is expelled from the farm. The design of the building has finished, Napoleon continues Snowball’s idea with confessing that the idea is his. But I think it is actually just Napoleon’s strategy to domineer dominance entirely because he may not be better to lead the other animals than Snowball.

And representation of the novel is about revolution of country. It is Russia. Revolution which is pioneered by working class which is headed by two of the workers wants to pull down the capitalist system as a ruling class. They rebel all of ruling class and change to be communism system. Because of the novel is allegory from really life, the characters are almost similar. In that novel the characters which do rebellion are Snowball and Napoleon and in really life they are Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin. They are people who do rebellion in the beginning of revolution, but they always oppose like Snowball and Napoleon. And someone who says in the beginning that he hates capitalist system is Stalin. But in the end he joins with governments which adopt the capitalist system.

You can see that there is no true maintenance of dominance. It’s just temporary dominance which emphasizes his importance.

Kamis, 11 Februari 2010

Tips Buat Yang Punya Badan KUPENG (Kurus Krempeng)

Sebelumnya Q mo ngucapin terima kasih buat temen-temen yang udah ngasih komen di blog q khususnya di tips-tips q, itu adalah sebuah motivasi buat q untuk selalu menulis dan memberi tips-tips yang mudah-mudahan bermanfaat buat semuanya.

Well, sekarang q mo ngasih tips lagi neh,,,n yang pastinya g kalah menarik. Sebelumnya q dah nulis tips tentang diet sehat dan itu ditujukan untuk orang-orang yang mempunyai postur tubuh yang lumayan GD (Ga GD2 amat sich)pokoknya yang menurut kalian g enak di liat dh. Nah, sekarang q mo nulis tips khusus buat orang-orang yang KUPENG. Tips ini ditulis berdasarkan request dari salah satu kaka angkatan q, padahal dia badannya g KUPENG loh,,,katanya buat si "dia". Haha....
Udah ah mari kita mulai...

Berdasarkan apa yang telah q baca dari berbagai sumber n pengalaman dari beberapa teman, istirahat yang cukup ternyata bisa menggemukan badan. Tapi buat yang badannya KUPENG jangan seneng dulu, kalo cuma tidur doank mah semua orang juga bisa. Inget syarat dan ketentuan berlaku...!!!

Selain tidur yang cukup, perbanyak juga ngemil or makan, khususnya makanan yang banyak mengandung lemak, contohnya: es krim, roti, susu, nasi, segala macem fast food,coklat, dll. Dan kalo bisa makannya malem

Jangan suka begadang, soalnya percuma aja udah makan banyak tapi sering begadang, apalagi kalo begadangnya di luar rumah bisa kena angin malam tuch...kan bahaya.

Kurangi merokok karena rokok bisa mengurangi rasa lapar dan frekuensi makan kita akan sering tertunda. Nah itu lah yang harus dihindari.

Selanjutnya, perbanyak mengkonsumsi buah dan sayur, suplemen yang banyak mengandung zinc dan jangan lupa juga olah raga agar nantinya walaupun gemuk tapi tetep sehat.

Segitu dulu ya,,,kalo kurang bisa nambah lagi.
Selamat mencoba, semoga berhasil!!!

Jumat, 22 Januari 2010

Tips Agar Selalu Termotivasi

Hello comrade…..!!!!!!!!
Balik lagi dengan tips-tips yang cihuy dan ga kalah menarik. Kali ini ada sebuah request datang dari salah satu teman satu jurusan yang bernama May Roza.

“Bikinin gw tips dong tentang motivasi, berhubung sekarang habis ujian gw takut kalo nilai gw jeblok, tolong bikinin y,,,biar gw g down” Celoteh gadis yang sering dipanggil oza ini.

Baiklah kalo begitu, mari kita kembali ke lap-top!!!!

Hal pertama yang harus dilakukan ketika kita sedang merasa jatuh or down yaitu cobalah menerima apa yang kita dapatkan sekarang.

Kedua, renungi hal apa yang menyebabkan kamu seperti itu dan cobalah pikir kalo apa yang kita dapatkan belum tentu orang lain bisa mendapatkannya.

Selanjutnya, syukuri agar segala sesuatu yang kita telah dapatkan bisa menjadi sesuatu yang berharga.

And then, perbaiki sesuatu yang menurut kita kurang agar bisa lebih baik dan tidak merasa jatuh untuk yang kedua kalinya. (jatuh cinta kali…..!!!!!!!!)

Do that if you need!!!!